Friday, August 29, 2008

por ahi...

hoy no queria despertar
de mis sabanas desaropar
ni de mi almohada despegar

no queria mis ojos abrir
hubiera preferido quedarme alli
en mis sueƱos por ahi

Monday, August 18, 2008


it's a fact life can drastically change in a instant, so quick you might not even notice..

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

2da! ruddy me dijo..

lo complicado de la vida es lo simple que es...


who ever told you in life, you'de get things when you're ready for them?
have you ever woken up ready for death? happiness, sadness, fear or love?
when have you prepared yourself for it?
did you ever know it was coming?
who gave you the test?
i think it all works the opposite you get things and eventually you learn to deal..
it's like someone said that life gives you the test first, then teaches the lesson
i guess its part of living, not being ready
the surprise of it all and how it all changes in a moment
shaking around all the safe things we had and breaking all our plans.
but not everybody get's it, they spend their life waiting to get things exactly when they ask for them, preparing themselves for the what they want and expecting to be ready and but
truth is we lose the greatest things in life this way, expecting to be prepared, when life hands you the unexpected.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

the night...

The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.
The dark knight

Friday, August 01, 2008

no es possible

no es possible que solo sea yo
la que te deseo
que anhele aquellos momentos

no puede ser que estas ganas
sean solo mias
que recuerde esos dias

no es possible
porque aveces cuando
menos los espero
cierro los ojos
y te siento