Tuesday, May 22, 2007

everything happens for a reason

i cant remember how many times i've had to say this to myself this month, and in moments its made me stronger, dissapointed, hopeful, even mad and then as i thought about it, if everything happens for a reason wheres my reason i cant seem to find it, i think it lost track of me, or it took a vacation and its letting it all just happen. but then again, it can all be a big reason waiting just the right time to surprise me. i cant decide.. truth is when the worst has happen, clinging to hope is all we've got left.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

if you take...

- 2 silly girls
- a store
- a dressing room
- camara
- and a saturday afternoon with nothing to do,
this is what u get.. =p

Saturday, May 12, 2007


y es que esto que me envuelve, que me inquieta, que me atormenta ,
esto que me abraza con todas sus fuerzas y que ya no me deja respirar,
esto que solo tengo yo... esto, ya no se donde esconderlo

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Expectation is to hope, to wait, to look forward to, a prospect or a probability of something.
In life we all think we’re going to be great, we set our minds with possibilities and expectations for ourselves and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectations sell us short or dont meet.
And the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected.
But too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can't have. Desire leaves us
but heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. But as tough as wanting something can be.
The people who suffer the most, are those who don't know what they want in life, who haven't even consired it. And still i dont understand, but it got me to wonder, why we cling to our expectations? why we allow ourselves to asume things? maybe because the expected is just what keeps us steady, standing, still, the expected's just the beginning... the unexpected is what changes our lives.
So we make plans, with a back-up. But the thing about plans is they don't take into account the unexpected, so when we're thrown a curve ball, in life, we have to improvise. Of course, some of us are better at it than others. Some of us just have to move on to plan B and make the best of it. And sometimes what we want is exactly what we need. But sometimes, what we need is just a new plan and to expect the unexpected.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

im gonna go walking

im gonna go walking
away from it all
away from the words
away from the truth
away from the noise
away from the song
away from the lies
away from the secrets
away from the memories
away from the pain
away from the grudges
away from the wounds
away from the insecurities
away from the mystery

away from the dreams
away from the games
away from the rules
away fron the laughs

im gonna walking
away from it all
to find new adventures
and face some fears
to fight new battles
and surrender when required
to make new sandcastles

and find my long lost ....nevermind

im gonna go walking
away from it all
to that place where i belong

Monday, May 07, 2007


hay veces..
que te grito
pero no me escuchas

te abrazo
pero no te siento

que te veo
pero no me miras

que te busco
y no te encuentro
y hasta en mis suenios intento atraparte
para que jugemos aquel viejo juego...

te extrano amigo

Thursday, May 03, 2007

tu libro..

Si por un dia fueras un libro...
me dejarias hojearte?
curiosiar la resena?
sentir tus hojas?
o tan solo deleitarme con la ilustracion de tu portada?
pero es que con esto no me bastaria..

como seria si pudiera leerte?
narrarias plenamente lo que sientes?
relataras aventuras de algun lugar lejano?
contarias la historia de un corazon con cicatrizes ajenas?
peliarias batallas de nunca acabar?
talvez me describieras una novela de un amor prohibido?
o seria totalmente diferente...
escribieras un libro de suenos, fantasias, y lugares magicos el cual solo contigo se volviera realidad?
como seria?

pero sabes que tan solo quisiera hojearte... y quien sabe talves me seas interesante.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

i belong here..

i belong here where the sun sets, the wind blows, and water runs indefinitely..