Tuesday, October 16, 2007

giving up..

im giving up... just beacuse the sun turned on me
the stars ceased to come out and play
and i'm exhausted...

i'm giving up the fight, the quest, hope, the dreams. im giving it all away to someone who wants it, who cant hold it for me, so i can just take a break and do something else for a while.


serratAna said...

there are times when we see that the only road to take is the "just give up avenue.." and for some reason i believe you'll see that at the end of this dark road there will be a shiny light ..just when you thought all hope was gone

Jenin said...

giving up is not an option ..
ignora esas cosas un momento .. y luego retomalas.. there´s always some reason to keep on going with the dreams and hopes.. es lo unico q nadie puede ultrajar ni modificar..las cosas q estan en nuestra cabeza.. so.. u know what to do ..