Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Ever find yourself in a familiar place a lil' bit confused?
That you seem to know where you are, and you're trying to remember where, but you can't quite figure it out, as if you're lost.. uhm no, you're not exactly lost, its more like misplaced, as if you misplaced yourself.
Everythings fine, theres no tragedies, things are flowing none the less you're in a hurry and can't exactly move or decide which direction to take, cause you can't find yourself.
Annoyed and desperate hours later of searching every corner within, moving stuff around, reorganizing junk and trying to remember where you left yourself. You give up, stay put and you have 2 options either bring yourself down, complaign about how you can't possibly remember something so essential or you make the best of it, grab a close ice cream and enjoy wholly.
Surprisinly if you take the road less traveled, you reach your back pocket and notice its right there!!!! right in your pocket all along and it all becomes clearer, but now you're not in such a hurry, cause you've found a whole new set of things to do and things makes more sense now.

Ever find yourself misplaced in the familiarest place of all?
see i have and i know eventually it all summens up to the basics,
but in ocasions all we want is to complaign and spoil ourselves a bit, and then remember that eventually...


Giancarlo.tr said...

Te tengo que confesar algo....
No estoy deacuerdo con esto que dices "Everythings fine, theres no tragedies, things are flowing none the less you're in a hurry and can't exactly move or decide which direction to take, cause you can't find yourself."

Ni tampoco con esto "
Ever find yourself misplaced in the familiarest place of all?"

Ahora.... si tu cree que lei 6 parrafo en un blo! tu ta loca!.

Una question.¿Por que al lado de tu foto dice max? eso es un mensaje subliminal?

Renny R. said...

mi amor, comportate! and stop pointing out the obvious. Tu ve, ahora te quiero más loquito.

Máximo said...

Diablo, hasta por internet la Asosiación de Mujeres Macana ataca...

Déjalo que se exprese mujer... Cuando es la boda??

Giancarlo.tr said...

Hmmm se me olvido destacar lo mas importante del post.

LA FOTO! nice pic :)

Renny R. said...

And here I am thinking you were fluent in Sarcasm...guess I was wrong.

Allie... said...

okeeeiii!!! Hay como una clase de coro interno aquí.

Me gusta mucho la foto.