Monday, September 29, 2008


Someone said: We all go through life like bulls in a china shop. A chip here, a crack there. Doing damage to ourselves, to other people.
We don't always realize we're born like this, damage is there even before we're out in this world and before we know it, we bear scars too small for us to see and pain we forget it's there. People go around pretending they dont carry scars, some believe there above it all, others carry it around like some kind of an excuse, others expect to control it, while others take up exceptional time trying to cause more of it.
Truth is some more than others we carry it from our childhood, as grown ups we give as good as we get and we set about the business of fixing whatever we can.Ultimately the best we can do, is to accept things as they are and make the best of whats handed to us.

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