Monday, September 29, 2008


Ever as a kid wished desperately to be part of something, to join a group, to fit in?
To be in the team, one of the cool kids, the geeks, the outcast, the trendsetters, wherever we feel similarity. Looking for anything that identifies us, we crave acceptance, something that defines us, allowing us to be surrounded and excuse to get together, basically a search for company to prove we’re not alone.

But as we get older we learn a couple of things, we graduate from school and get in to college, make all sort of friends, find new interest. We’re all grown up, independent and now these things aren't suppose to matter because we have more substantial ideas, things figured out, direction and all that stuff but just when you think things are supposed to be different ...everyone joins a new team.

Tough as it is, hard to digest even that maybe your left out. I guess with time we understand
it doesn't matter, we eventually find the one you belong to or you make your own, I prefer.

1 comment:

Pablo said...

Hola Pao, mi nombre es Pablo. Soy el ilustrador que trabaja con Anya. Disculpame que te escriba por acá pero no se como contactarme con ella, hace rato que no aparece y no me responde los mails. Si sabes algo de ella te pido si me haces el favor de contarme.
te dejo mi mail
De nuevo te pido disculpas, se que no es el medio pero es la unica forma que vi de comunicarme con alguien cercano a ella.