Thursday, December 31, 2009


i can't control my destiny
i trust my soul
my only goal is to just be
there's only here
give in to love or live in fear
no other path no other way
no day but today....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


hay cosas malas y cosas buenas,
pequeñas y grande
bonitas y feas
hay cosas que cambian y otras que se quedan
hay cosas inevitables otras controlables
hay cosas.....

hay tantas cosas
y se nos olvida que son todas.... alterables!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

le tired..

the exchanges of looks
a touch here, a lie there
games played as
interchangeable affection,
excessive nothingness
disguised in laughter
surrounded by information
and exposure.

much time has gone by
and i've grown tired of that place..
because some things are better left unsaid
and actions speak louder than words.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


aveces quisiera saber lo que pasa por tu cabeza
me intriga pensar en el rumbo de tus pensamientos
como empiezan, hacia donde se dirigen,
quien los protagoniza, como se complica,
cual es el desenlace y donde terminan
pero solo aveces...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

the past...

We live in a world of constant progress and forward motion. Stand still for a second, and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back, the past always comes back to bite us in the ass. And as history shows us again and again, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Sometimes the past is something you just can't let go of. And sometimes the past is something we'll do anything to forget. And sometimes we learn something new about the past that changes everything we know about the present.

-Meredith Grey

Saturday, November 14, 2009

todo llega a su momento...
justo cuando ya podemos, y cuando es necesario

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

sosteniendo su mano,
se me hace inevitable recordar
y aprecio tu discrecion

Monday, October 05, 2009

just as you are..

Paranoia gives you an edge to play out worst-case scenarios in your heads, you know it but there's that voice in your head asking...what if you didn't?
We're all susceptible to it, the dread and anxiety of not knowing what's coming.
It's pointless in the end, because all the worrying and the making of plans for things that could or could not happen, it only makes things worse.
So walk your dog or take a nap. Just whatever you do, stop worrying, because the only cure for paranoia is.... to be here, just as you are.

-Meredith Grey

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


aunque siempre supe que seria asi,
ahora entiendo, porque justamente ahora
es que me toca tenerte aqui...

Friday, September 25, 2009


About a year ago i wrote something about acceptance and how we should skip the stages of grief and jump right in to the last one, but i guess in most cases its really not that easy and for some people harder than the other fact is we eventually get there....
Heres the how 2 for those who asked for it. Perfectly described by Shonda Rhimes.

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, when we're dying or have suffered a catastrophic loss, we all move through five distinct stages of grief.
We go into denial because the loss is so unthinkable we can't imagine it's true.
We become angry with everyone, angry with survivors, angry with ourselves.
Then we bargain. We beg. We plead. We offer everything we have, we offer our souls in exchange for just one more day. When the bargaining has failed and the anger is too hard to maintain, we fall into depression, despair, until finally we have to accept that we've done everything we can. We let go. We let go and move into acceptance.

The dictionary defines grief as keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret. We're taught to learn from and rely on books, on definitions, on definitives. But in life, strict definitions rarely apply. We have a hundred lessons that teach us how to fight off death, and not one lesson on how to go on living. In life, grief can look like a lot of things that bear little resemblance to sharp sorrow.
Grief may be a thing we all have in common, but it looks different on everyone.It isn't just death we have to grieve. It's life. It's loss. It's change. And when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes, has to hurt so bad. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime. That's how you stay alive. When it hurts so much you can't breathe, that's how you survive. By remembering that one day, somehow, impossibly, you won't feel this way. It won't hurt this much. Grief comes in its own time for everyone, in its own way. So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty. The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can't control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes. And let it go when we can. The very worst part is that the minute you think you're past it, it starts all over again. And always, every time, it takes your breath away. There are five stages of grief. They look different on all of us, but there are always five. Denial.Anger.Bargaining.Depression.Acceptance.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


y porque es que si,
las historias son similares
las condiciones parecidas
las excusas identicas
las personas son las mismas
las situaciones son iguales
y los sentimientos equivalentes,
pretendemos tener resultados distintos?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009


todo termino justamente igual que como empezo
inesperado, incompleto, sin quererlo, bajo la lluvia y en ese mismo lugar.

Friday, September 11, 2009

john mayer me entiende!

buscando una cancion encontre otra...
que me dijo talvez justamente lo que necesitaba decir...
john mayer me entiende!

ten cuidado ♫

hoy me desperte con esta cancion en la cabeza...
recordandome años atras
que nada es casualidad
que algo tan simple como tomar un celular
puede cambiar tu vida y regalarte un amigo,
experiencias que marcan nuestras vidas
y te enseñan tantas cosas,
algo tan sencillo como a tener cuidado....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

para el..

te pienso tanto
no se porque siento tanto
como que si al soñarte
me hiciera parte,
pero solo espero que estes bien
que seas fuerte y tengas fe
que puedas superar todo eso
que regreses
a reir, a cantar
a transmitirnos tu paz
a contagiarnos con tu musica y hacernos bailar...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

just breathe..

dive in
take some chances
open up
win or loose, play the game
savor the moments
one day at a time
and just breathe,

Sunday, September 06, 2009

all this...

flavors my senses,
sweetens my disposition,
stirs my imagination,
and nourishes my dreams..

Monday, August 31, 2009

que importa...

y que importa si me delato
si expreso lo que siento
si escribo lo que observo y pienso
todo es real, es mio y para mi...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

y son esos pequenos momentos
donde lo revelo todo y siento que me miro en un espejo
los que mas aprecio y soy feliz =)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

hay que llegar..

Es larga la carretera
que conduce a ningun lado
pasaporte prestado,
pocas ganas de hablar.

Es duro subir las cuestas
y bajar por las pendientes
cruzar las turbias corrientes
que nadie quiere cruzar.

Pero hay que llegar, hay que llegar
hay que llegar al fin del mundo

al paraiso prometido.

Hay que llegar al horizonte
donde se pierden los sentidos
comer la fruta del arbol prohibido.

Hay que llegar, hay que llegar
hay que llegar al fin del mundo
al paraiso prometido

Hay que llegar, hay que llegar mas alla de las montanas al paraiso prometido
Deja que tu paso siga mas alla de las montanas...

Robi Draco -"Paraiso Prometido"
ya, hasta robi esta optimista..
..como cambian las cosas

Saturday, July 25, 2009


es algo asi como intangible
la forma en que cambiamos
como la vida pinta nuevos colores
y cambia todo de perspectiva
vuelve invisible los situaciones
crea sistemas para enmendar
y percibir la alteracion
a algo completamente nuevo
que se vuelve real y palpable
a su propio ritmo y compas
justamente cuando no queremos
y no necesariamente cuando lo esperamos
pero completamente imprecindible
para seguir trazando el camino
y entender lo indispensable que es
vivir no solo existir...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

it is..

and so it is,
i failed with consequence,
lost with eloquence,
and smiled.
despite everything, i'm still smilling =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Karma. One way or another it will leave us to face ourselves. We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up from behind. But karma will always find us. The truth is, we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor. Yet no matter how hard we try we can't escape our karma. It follows us home. I guess we can't really complain about our karma. It's not an affair. It's not unexpected. It just... evens the score. And even when we're about to do something that we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass... well, it goes without saying. We do it anyway.

-Meredith Grey

Monday, July 13, 2009

no erasers..

the past will always be there, no matter what we do to hide it
and we can try to forget the past, but it doesn't make it go away
life comes with no erasers....

Monday, June 29, 2009

delicious ambiguity...

I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.

- Gilda Radner

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


the lights are off
as you walk by
everyone's staring
as they whisper
your next move
awaiting the pose
from head to toe
chin up
stroughting yourself
you turn around
giving some attitude
as you smile
then they notice
your the

Monday, June 15, 2009


"We live in a world of worse case scenarios. We cut ourselves off from hoping for the best because too many times the best doesn’t happen. But every now and then something extraordinary occurs and suddenly best case scenarios seem possible. And every now and then something amazing happens, and against our better judgment we start to have hope."

-Meredith grey

Sunday, June 14, 2009

con ella...

anoche sone con ella
ella a quien no conoci
quien probablemente juzge
y nunca entendi
ella me decia que fuera
que es lo mejor para mi
me sonreia a distancia
y me aconsejaba
como si supiera justamente
donde estaba, que pasaba

ironico, no?
como estos suenos
se vuelven mas bizzaramente tocados por la realidad

Friday, June 05, 2009

solo espero..

solo espero que aprendas
y que entiendas
que todo somos duenos de nuestros destinos
y responsable de las acciones
pero que podemos cambiarlo
que todo infinitamente todo, es possible
que recibimos lo que damos
y aveces no, recibimos peor
pero que todo se transforma
solo espero que comprendas
y que aceptes
que es superable
y mas que nada que aprendemos
que seguimos
que llevamos por siempre las cicatrizes
y que aunque perdonemos
nunca mas olvidamos

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

life's short..

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets
so love the people who treat you right, and forget about the ones who dont
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance; take it.
If it changes your life; let it.
Nobody said it would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


As human beings, we all try to do the best we can. But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns. Just when you’ve gotten the lay of the land, the ground underneath you shifts. It knocks you off your feet. If youre lucky, you end up with nothing more than a flesh wound, something a band-aid will cover. But some wounds are deeper than they first appear, and require more than just a quick fix. With some wounds, you have to rip of the band-aid, let them breathe and give them time to heal.

-Meredith Grey

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009


logro aceptarlo
casi casi entenderlo
no guardar rencores
hacer mis paces con todo
mas que nada aprender
y seguir...
pero de todas formas duele!
y esta bien, porque dicen por ahi que sin dolor no te haces feliz!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

in repeat...

con esta y decode..
it's all twilights fault!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


entre tantos suspiros, canciones y mentiras
hago y prefiero hacer silencio...

Friday, May 15, 2009


hoy las palabras me faltan
hoy no tengo voz
hoy soy quien nunca inmagine ser
hoy estoy perdida
hoy no entiendo
hoy solo se que no se absolutamente nada

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


absolutamente nada se esconde debajo del sol...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

it's here!!

my cam is here! smiles..

Sunday, May 03, 2009


tengo fuerzas implacable
valor para seguir
y aliento de mas
pero estoy exhausta
me duelen hasta los huesos
no encuentro manera de olvidar
y que se hace ahora?
cuando el cuerpo no te deja seguir
y solo quieres descansar?


Remember when we where little and we would bite a kid on a playground, our teachers would go say your sorry and we would say it but we wouldn't mean it because the stupid kid we bit totally deserved it.
As human beings we can't undo or mistakes and rarely we forgive ourselves,
but we can always try to do better, to be better, to right and to wrong even when it feels irreversible.
Of course i'm sorry doesn't always cut it, maybe because we've use it so many ways, as a weapon or as an excuse, but when we are really sorry, when we use it right,
when we mean it, when our actions say what words never can,
when we get it right, im sorry is perfect,
when we get it right im sorry is redemption.

-meredith grey

Sunday, April 26, 2009


todo es tan diferente
que ni lo entiendo
esto da tantas vueltas
que me marea
pero me mantiene atenta
y no me permite alejarme
aunque es todo tan raro
alrevez como sin encaje
mezclado con desubique
compuesto de escenas
cubiertas de melodrama
que me siento cansada
y quisiera despertar

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


doesn't matter how tough we are
trauma always leaves a scar
it follows us home
changes our lives
trauma messes everybody up
but, maybe thats the point
all the pain and all the fear and all the crap
maybe going through all that
it's what keeps us moving forward
it's what pushes us
maybe we have to get a little messed up
before we step up
and change...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

y pense..

y pense...
que magia eras tu..
que magia fue como sucedio
que magia fue lo que senti
que magia fue lo que construimos
que magia fueron tus besos
que magia fue mi espacio
que magia fueron tu brazos
que magia fuiste mientras te tuve,
que magia fue como lo impossible, funciono
que magia nos envolvio,
que magia me hipnotizo,
pero parece ser que solo fue polvora que me cego...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

time passes...

Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls,
but it does pass.
Even for me.
-Stephenie Meyer
New Moon

Monday, March 23, 2009

my first!!!

mi tarea final de la clase de fotografia =)
allie y tony thanks por la ayuda..

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Everyone I know, has a shadow. A dark cloud of fear and doubt, that follows even the best of us into the world. We pretend the shadow isn't there. Hoping that if we help other lives, master techniques, run faster and farther, it'll get tired and give up the chase.

But, like they say, you can't outrun your shadow and the only way to get rid of a shadow,is to turn off the light. To stop running from the darkness, and face what you fear. Head on.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


una prueba mas de que tan diferente podemos ser aunque todos miremos lo mismo a la vez...

Sunday, March 15, 2009


We keep moving forward
opening new doors
and doing new things
because we're curious
and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

her morning elegance..

And She fights for her life
As she puts on her coat
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain
As it pours
And she fights for her life
Where people are pleasently strange
And counting the change
And She goes...
Nobody knows

Friday, March 13, 2009


just fools
reckless fools...
who believe anything they want to,
anything to get through the day
fools who want things the easy way,
searching for meaningless things
who won't fight for anything anymore
with no principles, no values,
just fools running around pretending

nothing means a thing
believing they know the answer to anything
not mattering who they hurt on the way

acting out
refused to listen to advice
without inspiration or courage
fearless to consequence

living just to get by
simply fools...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

todos los dias

pero en la monotonia del dia
al manejar a la casa
y antes de ir a la cama
alli... es donde mas lo hago..

Monday, February 16, 2009

chasing pavements...

yo si..

a mi manera y en silencio
esperando el momento
decidida, con tantas fuerzas
confiada e ilusionada
por muchos momentos
con cautela, como sin suerte
sin juegos ni mentiras
en llamas y desarmada
totalmente transparente
pero mas que nada, completamente real

Thursday, February 05, 2009


la octava...
(se lo quite a ruddy)

Ahora que es el fin
y ya todos las vieron
de perfil y de frente
in pectore y al dorso
en tules y de largo
no pueden caber dudas
la reina es la más linda
ah sí

pero la octavala octava de la izquierda
tampoco caben dudas
ésa es la cautivante
sus dos centímetros de menos
sus seis centímetros de más
como decía el viejo nietzsche
la hacen humana
demasiado humana

la reina es la más linda
pero la octava de la izquierda
es la más seductora
quién podrá resistirse
a sus labios en pena
a sus ojos de vencida
su tristeza en bikini.

-Mario Benedetti

Sunday, January 25, 2009

bad stuff

The bad stuff is easier to believe . Have you ever notice that?
People can compliment you on anything it's shocking and although a smile and thank you come automatically, we forget them almost in a matter of minutes.
But when it's completely the opposite we spend the hours, days and month still pondering on them and these we immediately believe.
Ever notice how people put us down enough, that we start to believe it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


y la verda es que no importa si queremos o no queremos como quiera va a ser...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Truth is, everyones gonna hurt you,
you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

-Bob Marley

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Este año empezo bastante distinto al pasado, mas tranquilo pero con mucha alegria y energia, y al igual que el pasado rodeado de buena compañia. Aunque mi ile estaba lejos, estuvo de la manera que pudo conmigo =). Y claro otro año mas recordandome que todo puede cambiar en un instante y que a nunca deje de sonar. Pero nose este da senales de cosas buenas a pesar de todo, but we'll just have to wait and see..